When You Should Consider Hiring An Interior Designer or Interior Decorator for Your Home Project!

If any of the below applies to you.. this may be the best time to consider hiring an Interior Designer or Interior Decorator for your home project!

1. You keep putting off the project, putting it on the backburner and/or prolonging the process unnecessarily.

When you choose to DIY a home project, the benefit may be saving on investment, but in return you need to dedicate your time to executing it. When people choose to tackle on their own interior design or interior decorating projects, they have to juggle that on top of all other priorities in life. Naturally, this tends to extend the home projects to much longer than anticipated. How many times have you started your own DIY project only for it to take twice as long as you thought? When you hire a professional Interior Designer or Interior Decorator, we overlook and manage the entire process for you. A Designer will make sure to keep the project on schedule by reminding you of any critical decisions that need to be made to keep the project moving forward. In return, the client gets time back in their lives to focus on other priorities!

2. You feel decision burnout.

This isn't fun and as Designers where we have to make decisions 24/7, we totally understand this! This is usually caused by trying to tackle multiple projects and areas at once. By using an Interior Designer or Interior Decorator, our job is to source all the materials, finishes, and/or furnishings for you so that you don't have to do it yourself. We narrow down choices for you significantly by only choosing options that align with your style, budget and lifestyle factors! We have our professional expertise to explain why we think these are the best options for you, based on what we have learned in the discovery process.

In all honesty and truth, we also keep you accountable to making decisions in a timely manner. When you are working on your own timeline and DIYing your own home project, it's very easy to feel decision burnout quickly. So most people will result to saying "Ugh! This is too much to deal with right now, I need to come back to this later." and then repeatedly keep pushing back major decisions that will help propel the project forward. When hiring a Designer, you will personally have someone overlooking the project and sending you reminders that decisions need to be made. This may feel like we are coming off strong, but know that we have your best interest at heart, and we know the tough decisions that need to be made in order for the project to move forward successfully!

3. You feel that you don't have the "design eye" to execute the project successfully.

Guess what.. this is okay! We don't expect you to. Interior Designers and Interior Decorators are the professionals that need to have the design eye- you don't! This is exactly why we are hired to do our jobs. We collaborate with you on a design vision that is conducive to your style, budget and lifestyle. This also goes for those who don't care about interior design or interior decorating, but still want a home that is beautiful and functional.. we can do that for you. :) Many times, these are the clients we come across the most! So don’t ever feel embarrassed to speak up and communicate to your Designer that you want all the help; that’s what we’re here for.

4. You're moving into a new house soon!

If you're looking to remodel, renovate or purchase new furnishings for your new home.. the time to contact a Designer is now! Ideally, we tell potential clients to contact an Interior Designer or Interior Decorator months in advance, especially if it is a large project that includes multiple rooms or even the whole house. This is because we know all of the design time and logistics that are involved in the process that clients may not be aware of. For example, at EP Design Studio, we always tell clients that good design takes time and simply furnishing an entire home from start to finish can easily span 5 months or more. Of course, this is dependent on so many factors, but it's important to keep this in mind. Which is why we want to reiterate again.. if possible, please hire an Interior Designer or Interior Decorator ASAP ahead of moving into your new home. Our ability to help you becomes severely limited if you are working on a tight deadline.

5. You simply just don't have the time.

If anything, this is one of the very top reasons why clients come to us. Maybe they are busy working professionals who cannot prioritize their own time to redesigning their space. Or even a stay at home parent who needs to focus more on tending to the children than worry about if the sofa will look good with the coffee table. One of the best values an Interior Designer or Interior Decorator brings to your home project is that we give back your time, and we all know how important each of our time is. You hire us to execute everything for you on a Full Service Design project. We take on the role of creating the design concept, sourcing, purchasing, managing shipments, deliveries and install. We give you back so many hours of your day so that you can focus on other important aspects of your life. This is the single most important value of hiring a Designer for Full Service Design!

If you feel like any of these reasons relate to you.. reach out to us at EP Design Studio! We service the Central Valley area of California for Full Service Design projects for interior decorating, but also work with clients from anywhere with our Virtual Design services. Click here to schedule a chat where you talk with an Interior Decorator about what you're looking for and how we can help! :)


What is Virtual Design?


What to Expect Working with An Interior Designer or Interior Decorator!